
Pancakes & Pikelets

 Bin Inn Pancakes istock



  • 500g (3 Cups) Bin Inn Pancake & Pikelet Mix
  • 750ml (3 Cups) Water


  • 500g (3 Cups) Bin Inn Pancake & Pikelet Mix*
  • 580ml (2 1/3 Cups) Water



  1. In a bowl, gradually add the Bin Inn Pancake & Pikelet Mix to the water and blend thoroughly until batter is smooth.
  2. Spoon mixture onto a lightly oiled or buttered hot plate or frypan and cook for about 45 seconds on each side.
  3. Flip over when bubbles appear on surface. Cook for about the same time on the opposite side until they are lightly golden.


  1. Follow above 3 steps for pancakes but use less mixture to make the pikelets smaller than pancakes.

Serve pancakes and pikelets warm with your favourite topping cream and jam, maple syrup or lemon and sugar. Fry one pancake or pikelet first as a test, to make sure the pan is at the right temperature to turn them golden brown. If the batter thickens upon standing just add a little extra water to thin the mixture. For best results, weigh dry ingredients, the cup measurements are a guide only.