 Bin Inn Pet Accessories

Pet Supplies

We tailor to the furry creatures in the family too! Visit a Bin Inn store near you for different types of pet food and accessories.

Range of Products

Our range of pet supplies includes:

 Bin Inn Pet Accessories

Pet Accessories

 Bin Inn Chicken Food

Chicken Food

Including pellets and whole wheat and mash

 Bin Inn Rabbit

Rabbit Food

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Dog Food

 Bin Inn Cat food

Cat Food

 Bin Inn Bird Suet Balls

Bird Suet Balls

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Bird Bells

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Bird Feeders

 Bin Inn Wild and Companion Bird Food

Wild and Companion Bird Food

Including seeds

Not all products listed on this website are available at all Bin Inn Stores and are subject to product availability and supply.

Homemade Wheat Bags

Did you know that the whole wheat we have available in our Pet Supplies area is a perfect filler for wheat bags!