 Bin Inn White Sugar


The sweet taste of sugar! Different recipes call for different types of sugar and at Bin Inn we offer a great selection, so we'll see you right.

Range of Products

Our range of sugar includes:

 Bin Inn Dextrose sugar


 Bin Inn Coconut Sugar


 Bin Inn Caster Sugar

Caster Sugar

 Bin Inn Icing Sugar

Icing Sugar

 Bin Inn Brown Sugar

Brown Sugar

 Bin Inn White Sugar 1

White Sugar

 Bin Inn Raw Sugar

Raw Sugar

Ideas for using brown sugar

Brown sugar can be used when baking and cooking.  See below some ideas for using brown sugar that you might not have tried.

Add to your stir-fry sauces - adding brown sugar to the 'sauce' component of your stir-fry dishes means you will get a great combination of sweetness and depth.

Seasoning - looking for a way to season your meat, poultry or seafood? By including brown sugar you get a mix of the sweet and savoury taste!

Add flavour to your popcorn - if you want to add some variety to your home made popcorn, the inclusion of brown sugar means you can transform your standard kernels into a combo mix with cinnamon or create caramel popcorn.