 Bin Inn 309

Cakes, Biscuits & Muffins

Cakes, Biscuits, Muffins and Loaves are some of the most delicious and popular items to bake! We have a great range of pre-mixes available to make whipping up a plate or providing morning tea, a breeze! 

Range of Products

Our range of products includes:

 Bin Inn Pre Mix Loaves

Pre-Mix Loaves

Including date, apricot and walnut, apricot and ginger and fruit

 Bin Inn Pre Mix Muffins

Pre-Mix Muffins

Including flavours like blueberry, bran, chocolate, hokey pokey and plain.

 Bin Inn Packaged Biscuts

Packaged Biscuits

Including specialty and international

 Bin Inn Pre Mix Biscuits

Pre-Mix Biscuits

Including the classics of shortbread, chocolate chip and afghan.

 Bin Inn 309

Dutch Cakes

 Bin Inn Pre Mix Cakes

Pre-Mix Cakes

With popular choices such as chocolate, chocolate mud, sponge and carrot.

Yummy Recipes

If you have time on your hands and wish to bake cakes, biscuits, muffins or loaves from scratch, check out our great selection of recipes.